Run with the Bull
Tame the Bear
WBI Bull Bear ETF Plus
The ETF Plus portfolios embody a dynamic multi-strategy approach, seamlessly integrating our multi-manager machine-optimized portfolios, trend switch, and stock-based power factor strategies. This innovative combination ensures a robust and diversified investment solution.
Buck the Trend
WBI Trend Switch US 3000 Bond
The strategy seeks to capitalize on trends in the market by investing in small, mid, and large-cap stocks via ETFs when they are trending upwards, and moving to cash-like instruments or fixed income ETFs that are actively managed by the model for duration and credit quality.
WBI Trend Switch MAG7 Bond
The strategy seeks to capitalize on trends in the market by investing in the seven largest growth stocks via ETFs when they are trending upwards, and moving to cash-like instruments or fixed income ETFs that are actively managed by the model for duration and credit quality.